DsplyMsg "The number dialed is not answering. Trying second number."
TAlert "Error: Your access number is not answering or responding.\0DPlease take the following steps:\0D\0D1) Wait a few moments and try again.\0D2) Choose Get Local # from your Locality list and verify your access numbers."
IfEq ~ATMP 1
OneAlert 1 "\0D\0DFor more information, select Help from the Apple menu."
TAlert "Error: Unable to connect through this access number at this time.\0DPlease take the following steps:\0D\0D1) Wait a few moments and try again.\0D2) Choose Get Local # from the Locality list for an alternate access #."
IfEq ~ATMP 1
OneAlert 1 "\0D\0DFor more information, select Help from the Apple menu."
TAlert "General Modem Error.\0DPlease take the following steps:\0D\0D1) Verify your modem and phone cable connections.\0D2) If possible, System 7 users Re-start with extensions off.(Re-start while holding down the shift key)"
IfEq ~ATMP 1
OneAlert 1 "\0D\0DFor more information, select Help from the Apple menu."